ValueRays® USB Hand Warmers - Infrared Heaters - The Healthy Way to Use the Computer!


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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

DeviantART: Where art meets application cold mouse hand survey results

Cold mouse hand was the topic of conversation on Where art meets application. The site is very cool. I stumbled across it looking for cold mouse hand solutions. Seems like there's a real problem in Geeksville regarding the cold mouse hand condition. But, I already knew that!

There's lots of options to solve the problem. The heated mouse seems to be available, but the mouse is not ergonomic enough for long hours clutching a computer mouse. I tried the warming mouse and my hand was sore within a few hours. I don't have carpal tunnel, I truly suffer from overuse of a computer mouse in cool air conditions -- be it summer in AC or winter when temps drop. I suffer horribly with a cold mouse hand. And, now I see there are many others that do, too.

Does you hand get cold when you are using a mouse?
37% = 7 deviants said Yes, if it's cold where I am.
21% = 4 deviants said Sometimes.
16% = 3 deviants said No, never.
11% = 2 deviants said Yes, always.
11% = 2 deviants said Most of the time.
5% = 1 deviant said No, I don't use a mouse.'s forum asked:
just wondering if it's only my hands that get cold, or a lot of other people

My response:

I'm a bonified computer geek! I used to own an ecommerce site and spent long hours working with a computer mouse. I spent 12 years sitting at the computer working long hours in Photoshop clutching a mouse with a freezing cold hand & numb fingers.

I tried the USB "warming mouse" and it wasn't ergonomic enough for the amount of hours I worked, and it caused more pain. I tried the goofy looking, ugly USB connected mouse pad and it's really small made for a child's hand. Plus, the cord would get tangled on my desktop, and the thing heated up too high making it really uncomfortable.

In May, 2008, I sold my business and decided to focus on an energy efficient solution for the "cold mouse hand" problem. I wanted to make something techie looking that people of all ages would like to use at home or work. I wanted it to be large enough for any sized hand and with lots of hand movement inside the mouse hand warmer blanket.

I created a solution for myself and it worked really well, so I had them made and put up a website to see if there was an interest. Our first Press Release was sent this week. We put up a website to see if there was an interest. We've already received a ton of Press. Right now, we are looking for distributors.

Mouse Hand Warmer:

Press Release:

For years I thought I was the only person who suffered with a cold mouse hand. Then, my employees started to complain, and I knew there was a real problem out there in Geeksville.

Thanks for the post. It was very helpful. And, I'm going to blog about your post and survey on our blog at

Keep warm this winter!

Mouse Hand Warmer Mouse Pad Blanket
Keep your mouse hand warm!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool! or should I say "Warm." We suffer from cold mouse hand and the blanket seems to be a nice way to keep warm. I visited and it's a nice site. thanks

October 22, 2008 at 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool! or should I say "Warm." We suffer from cold mouse hand and the blanket seems to be a nice way to keep warm. I visited and it's a nice site. thanks

October 22, 2008 at 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

add my name to the survey. my mousing hand gets very cold. i like the idea of using a blanket like the one at the thanko mouse pad is too small and goofy looking. plus its usb and i like the idea of being as energy conscious as possible.

October 25, 2008 at 9:10 AM  

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