Mouse Hand Warmer keeps your mitts cold

by Edwin in PC Gadgets
I’m pretty sure many of us do hold a cozy nine-to-five job at the office, and during the hot and sweltering summer days, we often retreat to the coolness of the office (at least for those living along the equator while others who do not get much sun all year round surely would not mind heading out to get a little extra tan) for its air conditioner. Unfortunately, sitting down at the same spot for hours on end while typing out document after document could result in extremely cold fingers. Instead of looking like a dork while wearing a pair of gloves that does not match your suit, why not settle for the Mouse Hand Warmer?
According to Anna Miller, creator of the Mouse Hand Warmer, she decided to come up with this remedy after spending a good dozen years sitting at a computer busting herself for hours on end with an extremely cold mouse hand at the end of the working day (which often extends late into the night as many of you can attest). Specially designed to solve the cold mouse hand problem, it comes in the form of a blanket and is manufactured by IGM so that the mass market will be able to keep productivity levels up without having to regularly rub hands together or keep them glued to a mug of hot chocolate so that enough warmth can be transferred over to the shivering mouse hand.
The Mouse Hand Warmer mouse pad is created in the US and does not require any electricity to run, which is indirectly good for the environment as well. Since there are no cords for you to connect to, this means there is no danger of getting all tangled up where your desktop is concerned. I guess its release could not come at a better time as winter is about to rear its cold face, so this alternative heating method would definitely come in handy for office drones worldwide.
Press Release
Labels: cold hands, cold mouse hand, computer gadget, computer mouse, geek gadget, hand warmer, keep hands warm, keeping warm winter, mouse hand warmer, mouse pad, mousepad, warm mouse hand, warm mouse pad
I love the Coolest Gadgets site! I also get a cold mouse hand. Thanks for the blogging!
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