ValueRays® USB Hand Warmers - Infrared Heaters - The Healthy Way to Use the Computer!


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Monday, October 20, 2008

Cold hands & a warm heart

There are all sorts of gadgets available to keep your cold hands warm. Aside from the obvious clothing accessories like gloves and special hand warming pockets, there's a ton of other items marketed to address the cold hand problem we face each winter. Just about every outdooor sport, i.e., golfing, fishing, hunting, etc. recommend specific hand warmers to use because an exposed hand, when cold, makes for a very lousy game.

Lately, there's been a lot of talk about the cold computer mouse hand. When computer geeks sit for a long period of time with an exposed mouse hand, it gets really cold. Don't know why it happens to some of us and not everyone, but nonetheless, it happens and it doens't feel good.

A cold mouse hand creates a painful workday. Especially, when there's a deadline to meet and your mouse hand is numb. Us (geeks) spend hours at end surfing, photoshopping, and performing detailed work online. When the mouse hand starts to hurt, there's nothing to stop the pain except to stop the work.

Mouse warmers come in all shapes and forms. There are fish, strawberries and modern gizmos to address the problem. There's no cure for cold mouse hand, there's only gadgets to help relieve the problem. There are warming mice, too. They are not as ergonomic as one might think, and can cause more pain than relief. As a matter of fact, the warm the inside of your hand and the top is still exposed.

There are hand warmers like the heart shown below, too. They pop and turn semi-solid and the warmth lasts a few hours. Not real practical, and can be costly.
Do your hands get cold? When? What do you use to keep them warm?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hands are cold as soon as the temperature starts to drop every year following summer! I keep my hands in my pockets a lot. I also use gloves.

My mouse hand gets cold but I think it's a circulation issue. My doctor wasn't helpful.

I like the mouse blanket on this site. I may try that this year. I don't like the idea of buying anything that uses electricity.

Thanks for the post. I have cold hands and a warm heart. : )

October 20, 2008 at 6:38 PM  

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