Do You Suffer From Sweaty Hands?

If you find that you have sweaty hands that you could have a medical condition that you need to consult your doctor about. It is not often that the hands sweat compared to others areas of the body, but the hands do have six hundred sweat glands, so some sweating from time to time will take place.
One of the problems of having hands that are very sweaty is being reluctant to shake hands with other people due to the embarrassment caused. A person with very sweaty hands will also be afraid to handle anything fragile as they will be scared it could slip out of their hands. There is also the fact that the persons hand print will be all over the place too.
You see you just cannot apply some deodorant to your hands as you can with your armpits, simply because your hands are in constant use and during the day you will visit the toilet which means that your hands are also being washed.
Generally hands that are sweaty is caused by a person being nervous or anxious. Stress can also play a factor and if you have a very stressful job then this will not help matters. The main issue is that of a social issue and this can be very annoying.
When you visit your doctor it is quite likely that he or she will give you some medication to apply. These can be quite effective but as with all medications what works for one person will not always work for another. If after using any medication you are still seeing that you are having sweaty hands then the only real option left is that of surgery.
The word surgery may raise a lot of fear amongst people but the process is actually very simple and is generally quite quick too. The objective of the surgery is to essentially destroy the sweat glands in your hands, and it is quite common for people who have had such a surgery, that their hands are often quite dry and also warm too.
But with surgery being surgery there are risks associated and you should consult your doctor prior to taking such actions and to be fully aware of what other treatments are available. Some other treatments that you should be aware of include putting your hands in tap water and sending in an electrical charge. This is a private treatment and you may acquire multiple sessions before you see any actual gain so this could prove to be quite expensive.
There is also the possibility of having botox in your hands also, but the problem here is that over time the muscles in your hands can become very weak. As mentioned before the best thing to do is to consult your doctor and to be fully aware of all treatments and there implications.
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