ValueRays® USB Hand Warmers - Infrared Heaters - The Healthy Way to Use the Computer!


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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Three dimensional COMPUTER-MOUSE !

from Yash-GameWorld

A Brand new concept for a computer-mouse that maps the intuitive movements of the user as input, to manipulate two and three dimensional objects in virtual space on the computer. It relies on our inherent knowledge of how to move objects in the real world. The extended field of motion serves to prevent muscle and tendon damage, and it's wireless capabilities ensure ubiquitous use throughout the household.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

No, the mouse isn't going away

Keep your mouse hand warm this winter.
Mouse Hand Wamer coming soon!

from UserNomics

A response to an earlier article ... "There's a silly BBC article making the rounds that proclaims the imminent extinction of the computer mouse.

It begins: It's nearly 40 years old but one leading research company says the days of the computer mouse are numbered. A Gartner analyst predicts the demise of the computer mouse in the next three to five years. Taking over will be so called gestural computer mechanisms like touch screens and facial recognition devices.

"The mouse works fine in the desktop environment but for home entertainment or working on a notebook it's over," declared analyst Steve Prentice. The article goes on to quote an opposing view from Logitech but in a rather dismissive way ("Naturally enough those in the business of making mice are not wholly in agreement that the end is nigh.").

I think touch and gestures are great, and their use will continue to grow for appropriate applications, but there are some very good reasons that mice won't be going away any time soon.
The mouse is still the most efficient pointing device as measured by the standard test using the Fitts' Law paradigm (and it really is the standard test now as defined by the ISO). Mice generally perform a bit faster and more accurately than touchpads. Of course there is a lot of variability among devices and the technology is improving, but it's quite possible that the difference is due primarily to the fact that we use different muscles to move a mouse compared to moving a finger on a touchpad.

Touchpads are also difficult for some people to use because they require precise finger motion, and some people just plain don't like them. Portable mice for notebook computers are still very popular.

Touchscreens might beat mice in a Fitts' test comparison (I don't know offhand, though I'm sure somebody has done this test), but your arm will likely get tired using one for any length of time and you'll also take more time to move your hands from the keyboard to the screen and back."

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Friday, July 25, 2008

The computer mouse to be obsolete in 3-5 years? NOPE!

by Doug Osborne

Could it be? The way of the computer mouse will soon become obsolete? That is what an IT analyst is predicting. According to Steve Prentice, research analyst over at Gartner, an IT analytical and consulting firm, in 3-5 years the mouse will be replaced by other human interface devices.

Prentice said: The mouse works fine in the desktop environment but for home entertainment or working on a notebook it’s over.

The reason for the prediction as Prentice sees it is the development of touch screens, gaming controllers like those made for Guitar Hero, Panasonic technology that detects hand movements instead of using a remote, and facial recognition technology that allows interaction through expressions.

Not everyone, however, is ready to ditch the mouse which has been around for almost 40 years. Certainly not Rory Dooley who is a Senior VP of Logitech, the world’s largest computer mouse manufacturer. According to Dooley, developing countries have yet to embrace online technology and he doesn’t see it happening any other way than by using a computer mouse:

Bringing technology, education and information to these parts of the world will be done by accessing web browsers and doing that in the ways that we are familiar with today and that is using a mouse. Let us know what you readers think. Are the days of the computer mouse numbered? Could you live mouse-free?

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Psych - Computer mouse heading for extinction - NOT

The article below written by Guy Dixon made quite the stir online with bloggers throughout the world. But, it didn't take into consideration the ergonomics of a large, face-to-face touch screen for day-to-day activities. Sure, the touch screen is ideal for palm held devices, but consider reaching over your desk for a few hours trying to complete daily tasks! I think your arm and shoulder would get pretty tired really fast. My mouse is my buddy! Over the years we have acquired a closed relationship, and there's no way I'm going to let go of my ergonomically correct, optical mouse anytime soon.
Actually, if the keyboard is predicted to stay, then the mouse should stay, too. Maybe the mouse's job would change somewhat and not be used 100% of the time, but try to vision a mouseless day, only using a Wii pointer remote control, facial recognition and a touch screen by reaching over your keyboard to a desk top screen.
The use of touch screens on palm held devices and small laptops makes sense. But, many of us sit at a computer for ten hours each day. I'd be lost without a mouse. I don't think the human body is built to handle some of the predictions in Dixon's article.
Like many others, we disagree. The Computer Mouse is not heading for extinction. There are new technologies on the rise, and advancements will include touch screens and facial recognition, but kill the mouse? We think NOT!


from VnuNet

Humble input device being usurped by touch screens and facial recognition

The computer mouse is set to die out in the next five years and will be usurped by touch screens and facial recognition, analysts believe. Gartner said that innovations from electronics firms creating new interactive interfaces for gaming and smartphones are driving the demise of the mouse.

Steven Prentice, vice president and Gartner Fellow, told the BBC that devices such as Nintendo's MotionPlus for the Wii and Apple's iPhone point the way to the future, offering greater accuracy in motion detection. "With the Wii you point and shake and it vibrates back at you so you have a two-way relationship," said the analyst.

"The new generation of smartphones like the iPhone all now have tilting mechanisms or you can shake the device to do one or more things." Prentice also highlighted home entertainment efforts from Panasonic which employ hand and facial recognition techniques to display information in place of a conventional remote control.

However, while the mouse's 40 year-old reign is coming to an end, the keyboard is here to stay, according to the analyst. "For all its faults, the keyboard will remain the primary text input device. Nothing is easily going to replace it," he said. "But the idea of a keyboard with a mouse as a control interface is breaking down."

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Computer Mouse Hand Warmer Made in the USA!

Mouse (computing) from Wikipedia

In computing, a mouse (plural mice, mouse devices, or mouses) is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of a small case, held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons. It sometimes features other elements, such as "wheels", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features can add more control or dimensional input. The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows for fine control of a Graphical User Interface.

The name mouse originated at the Stanford Research Institute, derives from the resemblance of early models (which had a cord attached to the rear part of the device, suggesting the idea of a tail) to the common mouse.

The first marketed integrated mouse — shipped as a part of a computer and intended for personal computer navigation — came with the Xerox 8010 Star Information System in 1981.

Mechanical or opto-mechanical
A mouse described as simply "mechanical" has a contact-based incremental rotary encoder, a system prone to drag and unreliability of contact. Opto-mechanical mice still use a ball or crossed wheels, but detect shaft rotation using an optical encoder with lower friction and more certain performance.

Optical mice
An optical mouse uses a light-emitting diode and photodiodes to detect movement relative to the underlying surface, rather than moving some of its parts — as in a mechanical mouse.

Modern optical mice
Modern surface-independent optical mice work by using an optoelectronic sensor to take successive pictures of the surface on which the mouse operates. As computing power grew cheaper, it became possible to embed more powerful special-purpose image-processing chips in the mouse itself. This advance enabled the mouse to detect relative motion on a wide variety of surfaces, translating the movement of the mouse into the movement of the pointer and eliminating the need for a special mouse-pad. This advance paved the way for widespread adoption of optical mice. Optical mice illuminate the surface that they track over, using an LED or a laser diode. Changes between one frame and the next are processed by the image processing part of the chip and translated into movement on the two axes using an optical flow estimation algorithm. For example, the Avago Technologies ADNS-2610 optical mouse sensor processes 1512 frames per second: each frame consisting of a rectangular array of 18×18 pixels, and each pixel can sense 64 different levels of gray.

Laser mice
The laser mouse uses an infrared laser diode instead of an LED to illuminate the surface beneath their sensor. As early as 1998, Sun Microsystems provided a laser mouse with their Sun SPARCstation servers and workstations. However, laser mice did not enter the mainstream market until 2004, when Logitech, in partnership with Agilent Technologies, introduced its MX 1000 laser mouse. This mouse uses a small infrared laser instead of an LED and has significantly increased the resolution of the image taken by the mouse. The laser enables around 20 times more surface tracking power to the surface features used for navigation compared to conventional optical mice, via interference effects. While the implementation of a laser slightly increases sensitivity and resolution, the main advantage comes from power usage.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A snuggly blanket mouse hand warmer

There's nothing worse than a chill when you are trying to concentrate on your work. Sitting at the computer for a length of time when the air is chilled causes the mouse hand to actually get cold. Sometimes even feel numb; especially the finger tips.
How about a warm fleece blanket for your mouse hand? Just slip your mouse pad and hand into the fleece blanket and the cold disappears. Actually, because the fleece works as an insulator, the heat generated from your body circulates inside the fleece mouse house blanket cover.
We are very excited to introduce the Mouse Hand Warmer online. We'll be posting pictures soon. If you have any questions, or if you want your email address added to our contact list, please write to us at Service (at)

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Cold Hand Survey

We'd like to hear from our readers. It's a simple "yes or no" answer to one question. During the winter months, does your mouse hand ever get cold? Please send your answer and comments t0 us at Service (at) Thank you.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Birth of the Mouse Hand Warmer

A new product. A solution to a cold mouse hand. The MOUSE HAND WARMER.
We think of the Mouse Hand Warmer as a Mouse House! It's a warm, snuggly place to keep your mouse and your hand protecting it from the cold. We're introducing the Mouse House Hand Warmer to the World!

I spent over 12 years sitting in front of a computer working long hours, sometimes up to 16 hours per day running an ecommerce website. Over the years, many hours were spent late at night, after dark in the cold. Well, not excrusiating cold, just chilly winter hours working alone at the computer. Southern California evenings get chilly, and most of the homes are not insulated for cold winters, so even with the heat cranked up, the still air sitting at the computer created a chill.

Winter clothes are designed to keep the body warm, but the sleeves of a cozy cashmere sweater stop at the wrist. I found myself pulling the sleeve over my mouse hand. Then, my finger tips got so very cold they became numb. There was no solution in sight. I checked the stores and the availability of a product to solve my problem. Nothing was available!

Then, I started observing my employees working. The women pulled their sweater sleeves over their mouse hand. One of the women said, "Feel my hand. It's freezing!" The cold mouse hand was not due to my old age or poor circulation! This was a real problem.

Well, this is the beginning of something new.

Check back here often. We'll be posting images of the Mouse Hand Warmer and places to purchase one of your own. This is a great gift idea and will be available for this holiday shopping season.

We're excited to say the least. It's truly a new invention, it's patented and has it's official trademark. If you want to be put on our email list, please send your email address and questions to Service (at)

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The Mouse House Hand Warmer

Mouse Hand Warmer is the registered trademark of a new computer gadget. Whether you live in Alaska or Southern California, there are times when your mouse hand gets cold. Here's the solution! A Mouse Hand Warmer.

The Mouse House is a noval way to keep your Hand Warm. The Mouse House Hand Warmer is patented and ready to hit the market just in time for cold weather and long hours working at the computer.

If you are interested in more information, please contact us at Service (at)

We'd love to hear from you!

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